feeling jaded? new EP from the boss just dropped :D
listen here: deadmau5.ffm.to/jaded
hi Denver horde!! it’s go time. retro5pective is taking over Denver in full force with one sold-out night, a handful of tix left for 11/1, a pop-up with exclusive deadmau5 x Atari merch, mau5 meet + greet, and moar all weekend long :D
the mau5hop pop up opens in less than at 10am! meet + greets with mau5 TODAY from 12-3pm. epic w/e ahead… let’s goooooo!!
Denver Pop Up Info:
95 S Cherokee St, Denver, CO 80223
nov 1st & 2nd // 10-7pm
deadmau5 meet + greet: Nov 1st & 2nd @ 12-3pm
#DPMR ep. 317 is live in the Vault. moar music for the horde on mau5trapTV :D
#DPMR ep. 316 is live in the Vault. moar music for the horde on mau5trapTV :D
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day of the deadmau5